“The Depth of Sound”
The Creation of Sonic Space in Works by Giacinto Scelsi and Gérard Grisey
Chao-Chiun Chou
This article discusses the conception and creation of space in works by Giacinto Scelsi and Gérard Grisey. Based on the fact that both composers conceived of space as closely related to the energetic, internal structure of sound, I propose a textural approach that emphasizes the interlinear relationship to examine the construction of space in their work. In two works for solo instruments, Ygghur and L’Âme ouverte, Scelsi generates numerous micro-vibrational movements and timbral contrasts from a drone voice, creating a sense of space. In the third movement of Grisey’s Quatre chants pour franchir le seuil space is created through an imitative polyphonic writing associated with the poetic idea of echo. The textural writing in these works shows the decisive role of movement in the creation of sonic space, inspired by the energetic character of sound.
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